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Texts and images © Anthony Antolini - Director Research Laboratory in art and cultural heritage.
I-"Aspects of Conservation and Restoration of Heritage in China"
Feature-Category: Heritage Conservation international cultural texts and photos © DR
II-Aspects of the conservation of heritage and memory "
Feature - Category of Cultural Heritage Conservation International © text and photos.
III "Painting Sie-i in Ancient China. Concepts and Scope in European modern art" - "The European Art: Aesthetic Approaches compared the sign in China-Western contemporary art. REPORTAGE -- Category Search International - Aesthetics of art texts and photos ©
IV-"Nature of the statutory monumental public space in Chinese"
s / title "Analysis of the static space in the middle Urban "
Feature - Urban Design Category texts and photos © DR
V-"New formulations of Urban Design in China - Study on Beijing capital city of 20 million inhabitants. Tianjin and 8 million inhabitants. "Category: Urban Design - Urban Design
Feature articles and photos © DR
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Near the Great Wall of China restoration work. Work in field of conservation and restoration of heritage must be a rule of special attention under the weather. If the diagnosis can be achieved at any time of year - thousands of roof repairs are easier in the spring, as the summer periods for repairs outer lacquer paintings. For the latter if the nuances colorists are easily reproducible, the visions of these shades on some parts of the frame, on wood, or on all surfaces restored pictorial deserve to be followed in daylight in clear weather. The intensity variations of shades, or applications, the impact of light and sunlight can make significant differentials that remain to be managed by the artist to achieve the desired degree of authenticity.
Ref: Anthony Antolini Directorate editorial Cracp / EDMC. 2009
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Text search - Heritage and memory are closely linked. Through conservation, the museum pluralistic approach, the whole of the historic resource, but also the collective unconscious that can take shape and be highlighted around the common past of society. In China as in Europe, actions for the preservation and safeguarding of cultural heritage, are all of the acts of reconstruction of the past and therefore return to contemporary society's foundations. The restoration of the vases structural reconstruction and repositioning of fragments in space and their initial volume, give a complete picture of the aesthetic object and its generic functionality. By this technique, are all links that are rewoven and echoes with the most distant civilizations. Decorative and Museology: The décor is Chinese vases source asset recovery and preservation of the plural society - the sacred myths and legends, expressions of styles and aesthetic potential anecdotal narrative and historical element vector Archeology traceability sociological aesthetics, appearing through the paintings of kaolin. At the heart of cultural heritage, the "decorative" Archeology of the aesthetic (tripods, vases, plates decorated, painted, friezes and frescoes, shapes, reminiscent of pictorial imagery ..) remains a timeless cultural logic with functions identification and reference for the entire company.
Ref: Anthony Antolini Directorate editorial Cracp / EDMC. 2009
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The audience follows the conference of prof. Antolini on contemporary art through with an interpreter specialized
A. Antolini in debate Franco-Chinese about Impressionism, the European notion of sign and calligraphy
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A. Antolini, Director of qualified laboratory research in art, held in China lectures, technical talks, and participated in a greater understanding of art and European culture in North China. He took the opportunity to present various contemporary European artists. Fruitful exchanges with faculty teaching Chinese public in the arts, helped clarify certain points on the ancient Chinese painting "SIE-I" (Description of an idea)-rule Sieyes - including periods of X to XII th centuries in ancient China. A number of points still obscure in the West some of these approaches have been painting and clarified or specified. With the opportunity to exchange views and debate on the professorial Sie Chinese painting-i Anthony Antolini, able to explain the concept of a preliminary Impressionism from the tenth century in China. Exhibitor analysis under its concept of an Sie Chinese painting-i
1 - As aesthetic pictorial interpretation immemorial since pre-dynastic China and the dawn of the first signs calligraphic -
2 - This ancient Chinese painting show up in the modernity of the X th century, with materials from figurative landscape, all the ambivalences intellectual and spiritual aesthetic that suffer from the artists of these periods in terms of relations between worlds within and beyond the worlds of outside and cosmic. The expressive arrangements which prevail within the experienced painter as key to the authentication of the mountain, and its conjuring characteristic of seizure, providing an answer to the dilemma anthology Cézanne and modern art.
ref: A. Antolini Directorate editorial Cracp / EDMC. 2009 Work-Study and Research on the ancient Chinese painting and sign.
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1 ° - public space and sculpture: General - The city generally has a type of sculpture and memorial tribute, like beauty, figurative or abstract. The style of monumental statuary imposed on the community and under the greatest number of viewers in cities, neighborhoods, while filling a feature in living memory company, memory in real time. In China as in Europe, beyond missions commemorative monumental statuary can become complementary or aesthetic significance, with built-u
1 ° - public space and sculpture: General - The city generally has a type of sculpture and memorial tribute, like beauty, figurative or abstract. The style of monumental statuary imposed on the community and under the greatest number of viewers in cities, neighborhoods, while filling a feature in living memory company, memory in real time. In China as in Europe, beyond missions commemorative monumental statuary can become complementary or aesthetic significance, with built-up areas or urban environment, but it can autonomously provide an essentially artistic.
2 - The vocations of public statuary: These are plural and adapt to the needs of the society of which they emanate and which they carry, often express values allegorically. In northern China, the concept of a sculpture in name of Static Space © discovered in France by the researcher Anthony Antolini, Director of qualified laboratory research in art (F.), was highlighted by the author at conference in Tianjin (near Beijing), outlining and detailing his research on the concept of light as sculpture materials Basic Static space, marking a step in the evolution of public statuary in art today .
ref: Anthony Antolini Directorate editorial Cracp / EDMC. 2009
p areas or urban environment, but it can autonomously provide an essentially artistic.
2 - The vocations of public statuary: These are plural and adapt to the needs of the society of which they emanate and which they carry, often express values allegorically. In northern China, the concept of a sculpture in name of Static Space © discovered in France by the researcher Anthony Antolini, Director of qualified laboratory research in art (F.), was highlighted by the author at conference in Tianjin (near Beijing), outlining and detailing his research on the concept of light as sculpture materials Basic Static space, marking a step in the evolution of public statuary in art today .
ref: Anthony Antolini Directorate editorial Cracp / EDMC. 2009
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China to safeguard its culture all urban stylistic characteristics specific to itself, construction techniques, an overall aesthetic echoes in shapes and lines (curves, volumes, colorists, original designs tectiforms or roofs raised rims, friezes and openings rotundities particular, spiral or semi-circularity, ..) like so many interfaces in modern and contemporary visual heritage immemorial.
Currently, the functions of planning are an essential when the major Chinese cities go to a "mega".
1 New look and new buildings in China: Art in the super-mega: Beijing and its 20 million inhabitants, currently strengthening its transportation links and communication with the nearby port of Tianjin, 8 million, which will be only 20 minutes from the capital will be the Beijing-Tianjin megalopolis that with the "villages" surrounding more than 1 million inhabitants. blithely exceed the milestone of 30 million inhabitants for the same pool of activities ... Because of the increased housing needs, the density of population in urban areas, dynamic economic and commercial, employment, anchoring increasingly important industrial activities in urban suburbs, large clusters and Annexes malls tend to come together and build bridges of communication and transportation with the urban core and administrative and historic heart. At the same time is compatible cores ancient cities, Beijing and in other cities in Europe, which can survive on their share of history and quality of life.
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2 - The century of architectural and aesthetic achievements in China:
Yet the twenty-first century becomes the century of technological feats of engineering, both aesthetic, functional, giving thereby the urban development aspects of avant-garde and futuristic on innovative architectures and new material of the frame . A visual evolution as to suggest to people at the dawn of this new millennium a new way to live his day. The architecture remains the monopoly of the most important visual in the built landscape of the city, it is felt particularly in central Beijing. The arrangements density habitats may be, or close to, the art in terms of signature aesthetic space. The bold designs have emerged in Beijing, the last decades, as especially during the 2008 Olympics. Cultural Heritage full-fledged cultural heritage in real-time incorporation of urban identity, architecture supremely mark this time and dominates the international vision as "defining", "identifier", "reference" for the city, place, region, country. A construction symbol signal of the logic of progress and evolution of the city. A growing architecture that can give meaning, the existing new to the territory. The Urban Design China last known remaining open to representations exterior architectural significant others and one can see buildings in styles specific to a particular foreign country. In fact the objects of historical and real estate visions sometimes imported the same as in Tianjin, and integrated into the urban forms of initial state, such as urban images Moreover, autonomous they are. From these visions typed and well defined, resulting in the final non-influence on the content of Chinese style. In view of all the distant future, Chinese architecture in Beijing, marking its known ubiquitous plastic in space, by creating specific concept, retaining the features in relation to population and development objectives.
Ref: Anthony Antolini Directorate editorial Cracp / EDMC. 2009
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Safeguarding and Preservation of Memory and Cultural Heritage Feature - Category: Memory and Cultural Heritage Conservation © text and photos CRACP Anthony Antolini 2009 DR
Paul Valéry (1871-1945), French writer - During a stay in Genoa on the night of 4 to 5 October 1892, Paul Valery, then friend of Mallarme and Gide, who was during a Symbolist poet (he wrote "La Jeune Parque" in 1912) crossed the time the strangest and most shocking of his sensible and intellectual existence in the city Genoa. He became aware of the scope of his work and spent that night, he put into question his entire face personal approach to poetry and literature for the future. The highlight of his life and thought in the city of Genoa, this mutation evolutionary inner he knew at that stormy night of 4 to 5 October 1892, marks the milestone and turning point in his life. He later referred this introspection decisive for its future, as the "Night of Genoa. As of that night, his relationship to writing was no longer the same, he decided to take his distances with poetry, and entered new fundamental concepts, which were now constructing his work. The Center CRACP Europe, went to the scene of this event for the literary history of Paul Valéry, for our French and European culture. As part of its activities for the preservation of memory and preservation of cultural heritage, CRACP Center, presented this document report. Paul Valéry wrote in 1895 including "Introduction to Method of Leonardo da Vinci", "The Evening with Monsieur Teste Edmond" in 1896 - "The Notebooks" set of notes that the author wrote from 1894 until its end. CRACP, conferences as possible about this subject - drawings, watercolors and paintings, sculptures also on application to illustrate the work of Paul Valéry.
Centre of Research on Art and Conservation Heritage (CRACP)
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